Privacy Agreement

Privacy Agreement

• Version: 1.01

• Revision Date: January 23, 2024

• Effective Date: October 24, 2023


“APTROCK” App respects and safeguards the personal privacy rights of all users engaging with its services. In the pursuit of delivering more accurate and personalized services, the application adheres to the stipulations outlined in this Privacy Policy for the utilization and disclosure of user personal information. The application exercises a high standard of diligence and confidentiality in handling such information. Unless otherwise specified in this Privacy Policy, the application will not disclose or provide user information to third parties without prior consent. The application reserves the right to periodically update this Privacy Policy, and your agreement to the Terms of Service for the application is considered an acknowledgment of your acceptance of the entirety of this Privacy Policy.

About Us:

The operator of “APTROCK” App software, website (, prodthe ucts, and services is Four Quadrants Enterprise Development (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company).


Registered Address: Fengxian District, Shanghai


For issues related to personal information protection complaints, reports, or operational concerns, please contact us at

I. Collection and Use of Information:

When utilizing the application, we may collect and employ the following information:

1. The information gathered below remains strictly within the local storage of the user’s device, without any transfer to external servers. Uninstalling the app will result in the deletion of this information, rendering it irretrievable:



Permissions for viewing network/WiFi status

The selection of servers for updating help pages and content on the discovery page is contingent upon IP and network environment considerations.

Storage permissions (photo album/media/other files)

1. User Avatar Change:

2. Customization of Lock Body Images:

2. When sharing locks and opting for file sharing, the application requires explicit permission to write to the device’s storage.

3. Importing shared files for locks necessitates permission to read files shared within the system.

Clipboard access

1. When importing locks via a link, the application requires permission to read clipboard content for automated link input.

Reading device identifiers (IMEI/android ID/OPENUDID/GUID/OAID)

1. A distinctive device label is assigned for the generation of user IDs and the encryption/decryption processes related to shared files.


Avatars and usernames configured within the application will be visible in NDEF and lock usage records. Users also have the option to employ non-sensitive usernames and avatars.

2. The “APTROCK” App may include links to third-party websites and company websites. When you visit these links, we may collect the following information to our servers:

The address range to which your IP belongs (excluding the last digit of the IP)

1. Selection of the server dedicated to serving you.

2.1. Non-Identifying Information

Upon each visit to our website, we may gather non-identifiable information, including but not limited to your IP address, source URL, browser details, operating system, cookie data, and internet service provider information. Records sourced from your internet service provider or third parties are generally non-identifiable and incapable of discerning your identity.

2.2. Cookies

• In the interest of providing more seamless personal services and fostering personalized interactions, our service employs cookies during your registration or login sessions. These cookies are modified upon logout. The website utilizes cookies for statistical analysis of page flow and browser types, facilitating an understanding of browsing patterns and enhancing customer service. Under no circumstances will the company employ cookies for unauthorized or malicious purposes.

• Cookies, in this context, are identifiable short data transmitted from the website’s server to your browser, subsequently stored on your computer’s hard drive to differentiate user preferences. If your web browser permits, each website can dispatch cookies to your browser. However, for privacy protection, your web browser exclusively allows the collection of cookies sent by the respective websites themselves.

2.2.1 Cookie Configuration

• You retain the ability to configure your web browser to accept all cookies, disable all cookies, or receive warnings when configuring cookies.

• Opting to disable all cookies may impede your ability to access certain services (such as personalized information) or participate in specific activities. Notwithstanding a refusal to accept cookies, the majority of services on this website remain accessible.

2.2.2. How We May Apply Your Cookies

The company will apply your cookies in the ensuing manners:

• Documenting your preferences and behaviors during your visits to the website (e.g., chosen language during browsing).

• Presenting the most pertinent advertising banners on the website based on your interests and activities.

• Appraising and furnishing feedback on visitor counts and page views.

• Conducting surveys and research to refine the company’s content and services.

2.2.3 . Cookies Deployed by Collaborative Partners

This website permits companies advertising on its pages to establish cookies on your computer. The usage of these company cookies is contingent on their respective privacy protection policies. The company disclaims responsibility for any privacy protection policies external to this website.

II. Third-Party Services:

Our services may incorporate links to third-party services (e.g., Facebook’s “Share” button or links to third-party websites). Upon selecting these links, you will exit the “APTROCK” App service, redirecting to the third-party service or website of your choice. When accessing third-party websites or utilizing third-party services, it is imperative to review the respective privacy policy, as your interaction with third-party entities is subject to their governing policies.

Despite that you have entered into an agreement with Four Quadrant Enterprise Development (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., pertaining to the disclosure of your information, we do engage third-party individuals or entities to support us, including contractors, web hosts, and others.


In the provision of our services, we may commission third parties for the collection, access, usage, and transmission of your personal information. For instance, our web hosts will retain the personal information you furnish, and external contractors may be engaged to sustain the functionality of our website, ensuring its seamless operation.

Consequently, the involvement of third parties in our operational processes is deemed essential, affording them equivalent rights underpinning this privacy statement. Accordingly, you grant consent for each authorization articulated in this privacy statement. This authorization extends to third parties, including those we may enlist, collaborate with, or engage in various capacities to ensure or enhance the standard functioning, maintenance, and rectification of our website or the associated files and systems. However, we disclaim direct responsibility for the actions of third parties, typically assuming indirect liability. Should your rights be infringed due to the actions of third parties, legal recourse must be pursued to safeguard your individual rights.

Without constraining the foregoing, you grant us authorization, along with the subsequent service providers and others, to collect, share, store, exchange, analyze, and otherwise utilize your information.

Authorization Name

Usage Scenario and Purpose

Amazon Web Services


1. To offer cloud servers and services within global service regions for hosting, delivering, and accelerating website content and user downloads. Additionally, we provide email sending services, and some of your data may be stored on these servers.

III. Scope of Application:

When utilizing the application products, you are required to furnish personal registration information in accordance with the application’s specifications.

It is imperative to note that this privacy policy does not extend to the following scenarios:

• Connectivity to services offered by other third parties through the application service.

• Services rendered by other entities or individuals.

IV. Information Usage:

The application shall refrain from furnishing, selling, leasing, sharing, or transacting your personal information with any unrelated third parties unless explicit consent is secured from you or unless the third party, and the application (inclusive of affiliated entities), independently or collectively, furnishes services to you. Post the termination of the service, the third party shall be proscribed from accessing any such information previously within their purview.

V. Information Disclosure:

The application may, in adherence to your personal inclinations or legal mandates, fully or partially disclose your personal information under the subsequent circumstances:

Disclosure to third parties with your prior consent.

Disclosure to third parties, administrative or judicial authorities, in compliance with statutory regulations or governmental directives.

In the event of your contravention of applicable Chinese laws, regulations, or pertinent rules, disclosure to third parties may be necessitated.

Other disclosures mandated by statutory enactments, regulations, or analogous provisions.

VI. Information Storage and Exchange:

Information and data pertaining to you, as gathered by this application, shall be retained on local devices and/or servers affiliated with the specific device.

VII. Information Security:

It is imperative to note that on the internet, there exists no concept of “impenetrable security measures.”

Data such as avatars, names, and passwords (comprising lock codes and app startup passwords) collected by the “APTROCK” App remain confined to the user’s device. This information serves the singular purpose of user identity verification and facilitates content recognition.

The security of personal information holds paramount importance to us. We commit to exercising reasonable commercial efforts to safeguard your personal information, and implementing prudent business procedures to constrain unauthorized access, usage, or disclosure of said information. Despite these measures, it is crucial to recognize that neither this website nor the “APTROCK” App can fully eliminate security risks associated with personal information.

VIII. Limitation of Liability:

Your utilization of this website/software is undertaken at your own risk. We, alongside any affiliated entities, executives, directors, agents, or other parties involved in the design, creation, or delivery of this site’s content, bear no responsibility for any direct, indirect, special, consequential, or other losses stemming from the utilization or incapacity to utilize the materials on the website/software. This encompasses losses triggered by viruses or inaccuracies or omissions in the website/software’s information, even if forewarned of the potentiality of such losses.

IX. Non-Mainland-China Transfer of Information:

Your information may be transferred to computers situated beyond your state, province, country, or other governmental jurisdiction. It may be retained both within and outside your jurisdiction, where privacy laws may not confer a level of protection equivalent to that in your jurisdiction. If you are located outside mainland China (e.g., Hong Kong) and opt to provide information to us, the “APTROCK” App will effectuate the transfer of personal information to and process it in Shanghai, China. By consenting to this privacy policy, you signify your acquiescence to such transfer post-submission of said information.

X. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction:

• This service agreement is subject to the laws of the People’s Republic of China. Any provisions conflicting with Chinese law are deemed invalid, without impinging on the validity of the remaining provisions.

• The execution venue of this agreement is in Fengxian District, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China. In the event of any disputes between you and the company, a concerted effort to amicably resolve the matter through negotiation is obligatory. Should negotiations prove futile, you consent to refer the dispute to the People’s Court of Fengxian District, Shanghai for resolution.

All comments and inquiries pertaining to this declaration should be directed to We are committed to making every reasonable effort to promptly address and rectify any concerns you may have within an appropriate and lawful scope.

XI. Privacy Policy Revision:

Periodic revisions to the terms of this privacy policy may occur, with such revisions forming an integral part of the policy. In instances where such revisions substantially curtail your rights, prominent notification will precede their implementation on the homepage or through email or other communication channels. Your continued use of our services under such circumstances signifies your acceptance of the revised privacy policy.


NFC smart lock, No battery, No charging,High security, to solve the problem of frequent charging and maintenance.



©Four Quadrant Enterprise Development (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

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